Jumat, 25 Juli 2008

Galeri Fashion Kebaya

Anda bingung dengan model kebaya yang bisa dipakai untuk acara pesta, persembahyangan atau resepsi/pernikahan?posting berikut bisa anda simak beberapa model kebaya berdasarkan kebutuhan. Siapa tahu anda bisa pilih model salah satunya.

1.Acara Keagamaan

Kebaya brokat cream dengan aksen bunga dan tali pinggang di padu padan batik coklat, memberikan kesan feminin dan cantik

Warna hijau muda simple di padu padan dengan kain batik terlihat anggun dan serasi. Bisa digunakan untuk siang/malam hari.

Warna pink model kartini pilihan lain dlm berbusana kebaya untuk kegiatan keagamaan.

Pilihan Warna kuning tua, terkesan elegan dan sedikit formal. Untuk acara pada siang atau sore hari.

Tipe kebaya cantik untuk remaja putri, bisa digunakan untuk acara keagamaan baik siang maupun malam hari

Model simple dan chick model kartini sederhana, pilihan lain untuk kegiatan spiritual.

2.Acara Pernikahan

Kebaya putih berbahan brokat berpayet dgn model kerah berdiri menjadi pilihan cantik saat upacara pernikahan

Coklat Elegan berbahan brokat dengan payet keemasan,membuat model kebaya terlihat elegan.Cocok untuk acara pernikahan dan resepsi

Warna ungu model berkerah dipadu padan kain kemben warna merah, membuat tampilan sexy dan anggun

Kebaya putih brokat dengan renda bunga dan payet dipadu padan dengan batik warna coklat, terlihat sangat istimewa

Warna hitam menjadi salah satu pilihan untuk kesan semi formal dan elegan, cocok di padu padan dengan kain batik berwarna cream emas atau abu2.

Warna silver berbahan brokat dan berpayet dengan model sabrina dipadu padan dengan kain batik cream hitam, pilihan lain untuk

kesan lebih muda.

Pilihan satu ini dijamin membuat penampilan anda lebih anggun dan menawan,bisa dipakai untuk segala acara formal maupun pernikahan

Model kebaya panjang mirip tuxedo berikut, salah satu pilihan unik nan anggun untuk acara pernikahan, dipadu padan batik warna coklat,akan terlihat lebih menawan


Selasa, 22 Juli 2008

warning...penipuan di ATM

Kisah seorang teman tentang penipuan di atm...tolong di simak semoga bermanfaat....


Peristiwa ini menimpa saya Hari Minggu yang lalu di salah satu ATM Mandiri
(sebut saja ATM1). Semoga tidak terulang pada pembaca.

Kejadian ini berawal ketika saya mau menarik uang di ATM Mandiri. Seperti
kadang-kadang terjadi setelah saya masukkan kartu ATM, layar ATM
menyatakan bahwa …..out of service atau ….maaf sementara tidak dapat
melayani. Tentu saja saya langsung tekan tombol Cancel untuk membatalkan
transaksi. Namun ternyata kartu ATM tidak kunjung keluar walaupun saya
ulangi berkali kali dan saya tunggu.

Di saat saya berharap kartu ATM segera keluar, tiba-tiba ada seseorang
laki-laki (sebut saja Mr X) yang membuka pintu ATM dan tindakan kurang
etis ini tentu agak mengejutkan saya. Orang tersebut yang tampil dengan
sikap dan wajah innocent (tanpa dosa) dan dengan cukup santai bertanya:
Bisa Pak? Kartu saya tadi tertelan pak! Karena merasa senasib, sikap saya
berubah dari curiga menjadi welcome. Setelah saya amati, ternyata kartu
saya tampak sedikit (kurang lebih satu millimeter) di bibir lobang kartu
ATM dan saya berusaha dengan menyelipkan dua kartu tipis untuk menjepit
kartu tersebut agar dapat saya keluarkan. Usaha saya itu mendapat respon
yang bersahabat dari Mr X dan segera pula ia membantu saya untuk menjepit
dengan kertas yang saya gunakan tetapi kartu ATM saya juga tidak berhasil

Usaha berikutnya dilakukan oleh Mr X dengan menelpon "Bank" (katanya saya
telpon bank saja pak, 14000 ya? tanyanya dan tidak saya jawab karena saya
konsentrasi dengan usaha saya untuk mengeluarkan kartu ATM). Setelah dia
menceritakan apa yang telah terjadi dan salah satu ungkapannya di telepon
"kartu saya terganjal oleh bapak setelah saya pak!". Mr X segera
menyerahkan HPnya karena pihak "Bank" mau bicara dengan saya. Pihak "Bank"
setelah menanyakan beberapa data seperti nama, tanggal lahir, nama ibu
kandung segera menuntun saya agar dapat mengeluarkan kartu ATM saya dan
tentu saja saya turuti.

Tekan tombol di bawah angka 9; tekan tombol di bawah angka 7; tekan pin
bapak; tekan ENTER. Keluar tidak pak? Tanyanya. Tidak, jawab saya. Ok pak
saya akan bantu sekali lagi mengeluarkan kartu bapak. Ikuti petunjuk saya
tekan tombol di bawah angka 9; tekan tombol di bawah angka 7; tekan pin
bapak (pelan-pelan pak) dan saya sempat berpikir mengapa harus pelan?;
tekan ENTER. Singkatnya saya menekan PIN saya sampai sekitar tiga kali
yang disaksikan oleh Mr. X. Saya tidak sampai hati meminta Mr X keluar
dari ruang ATM karena ia telah meminjami HP dan "menolong saya". Adegan
ini berarkhir ketika pihak "Bank" tidak berhasil membantu saya dengan
mengatakan: Ok pak, karena kartu bapak tidak bisa keluar, KARTU BAPAK SAYA
segera ke Bank Mandiri setempat untuk minta terbitkan kartu baru. Karena
merasa aman, saya segera tinggalkan ruang ATM dengan mengucapkan terima
kasih kepada Mr. X setelah anak saya segera keluar dari mobil, menyusul ke
ruang ATM menanyakan apa yang terjadi (kata saya: kartu sudah diblokir,
kita pindah ATM lain saja nak).

Untungnya saya tidak menaruh semua telor saya dalam satu keranjang. Masih
ada keranjang lain tidak peduli ukurannya. Segera saya menuju ATM (sebut
saja ATM2) yang lain karena saya sudah ditunggu di salah satu toko untuk
suatu transaksi. Sebelum saya (bersama isteri dan anak saya) masuk ke ATM2
tiba-tiba SMS banking masuk dan menyatakan rekening saya terdebet Rp
1.500.000,-. Ketika itu saya baru sadar (menurut saya bukan karena
hipnotis, tetapi logis) bahwa MR X TADI TERNYATA PENIPU dan pihak "Bank"
yang bicara dengan saya adalah anggota sindikatnya.

Segera saya menuju ATM1 dengan melanggar lampu merah di perempatan jalan
sambil menghampiri Polantas setempat. Sampai di tempat kejadian, tentu
saja pelaku sudah kabur dan selama saya menuju kembali ke ATM1, rekening
saya selalu terdebet hampir setiap setengah menit Rp 1,5 juta dan
berkali-kali. Saya berusaha keras untuk memblokir via 14000 tetapi selalu
dijawab oleh mesin penjawab dan setelah sekian lama saya baru bisa bicara
dengan operator untuk melakukan pemblokiran. Apa boleh buat saat
pemblokiran saldo tinggal tersisa Rp 82 ribu.

Setelah dihubungi oleh pihak kepolisian, tidak lama berselang petugas ATM
Bank Mandiri datang dan membongkar mesin ATM. Ternyata di dalam ruang
kartu masuk telah diselipkan SEBATANG KOREK API yang telah dipotong
"pentolan" nya. Kata petuga bank: Inilah pak yang membuat kartu bapak
tidak bisa masuk….kejadian ini sudah sekitar satu tahun tapi pelakunya
belum juga tertangkap…. Dia (Mr X) bisa mengeluarkan kartu bapak dengan
tang/penjepit kecil…..Minggu lalu juga kejadian.

Begitu memasuki hari kerja saya laporkan ke Bank Mandiri dan petugas
Customer Service menyatakan kasus ini baru pak (wah rupanya pihak bank
ketinggalan juga, red) setelah dicek transaksi penarikan (oleh Mr X cs)
tiga kali Rp1,5jt; 1xRp500rb; dan karena maksimum penarikan per hari
Rp5jt, sisanya dihabiskan untuk belanja kilat (mungkin di toko emas) tentu
dengan memalsukan tanda tangan saya. Maaf pembaca, total kehilangan tidak
perlu saya beberkan semua, yang jelas tinggal Rp82rb alias habis dalam
waktu transaksi 17 menit.

1. Sindikat penipu memilih ATM yang terpencil, bukan yang di kantor bank
dan/ atau yang ada security-nya.
2. Mereka memilih hari libur agar nasabah tidak dapat menghubungi bank


1. Gunakan ATM yang ada Bank-nya atau yang dekat security, hindari ATM
terpencil walaupun di ATM terpencil kita tidak perlu antre.
2. Jika kartu macet dan tidak bisa keluar dengan usaha sendiri, tinggalkan
saja karena orang lain tidak bisa menggunakan tanpa mengetahui PIN-nya dan
segera lapor ke bank setempat (tentu pada hari kerja).
3. Pada saat pembaca panik karena jadwal padat, ditunggu dalam waktu
singkat, sehingga secara emosional tidak stabil, mungkin juga sedang
berantem sebaiknya hindari transaksi menggunakan ATM karena daya analisa
menurun dan sangat memungkinkan terjadi kesalahan.
4. (Walau yang keempat ini tidak terkait dengan sub judul di atas)
rekening yang ber kartu ATM batasi jumlahnya. Yang lain simpan saja di
rekening tanpa kartu ATM dan jika terlanjur diberikan kartu ATM,
kembalikan saja ke bank dan bertransaksilah via kasir.

Mohon maaf jika pembaca tersita waktunya untuk membaca ulasan peristiwa
ini terutama bagi yang telah mendengar peristiwa serupa sebelumnya. Jika
kurang bermanfaat bagi pembaca, berikan (forward) info ini kepada rekan
yang lain, siapa tahu mereka membutuhkan. Terima kasih.

Jika suatu saat info ini sampai kepada Mr. X yang telah menipu saya, saya
berpesan carilah uang dengan cara lain karena melalui jerih payah, hasil
akan lebih bisa dinikmati. Anda berkualitas dalam mendapatkan uang cepat,
namun kualitas hendaknya memenuhi 5 indikator keseimbangan yaitu QCDSM
(Quality, Cost, Delivery, Safety, Morale). Anda baik dari sisi Quality
(cerdik); anda baik dari sisi Cost (dengan biaya rendah, hanya sebatang
korek api); anda baik dari sisi Delivery (dapat uang dalam waktu cepat);
tapi dari sisi Safety (anda aman....tapi hanya sementara lho); dan dari
sisi Morale (sayang angkanya cuma nol) karena melanggar norma.


Minggu, 13 Juli 2008

Lowongan Kerja Juli 2008-Bali

Lowongan Kerja-Bali

We are licenced worlwide company, seeking the right person to be our:

Asst.Production Spv


  • Min.D3.Fluent in english (both oral and written). Hard worker. Good team work, with good problem solving skill.
  • Computer literate.
  • A good knowledge of import regulations.
  • Max.30 years old, min.experience 3 years (trading or cargo agent).
  • Creative, Imaginative, Good Interpersonal skill and highly motivated
  • Willing to be based in Bali
Interested candidate are requested to send resume and cv not later than 10 days from this advertisement to:


Membeli mobil bekas??

Tips membeli Mobil Bekas
Tergiur dengan iklan mobil di media massa?mungkin salah satu dari anda adalah penggemar otomotif. Karna terbentur harga, anda harus banting stir dari garansi new car dan beralih ke mobil second hand alias bekas. Cari-cari mobil bekas dengan kondisi prima dan harga terjangkau, memang bikin pusing. Apalagi mobil mau di pakai sendiri, dan tidak buat jual beli,yah minimal gak bolakbalik masuk bengkel..lah..
Berikut ada sedikit tips untuk memilih kondisi mobil bekas :

-Diusahakan memilih yang masih lengkap dan utuh, komponen logamnya belum kropos, lekukan body mobil masih lurus, tidak ada olesan dempul, dan yang penting cat asli/orisinil).
-Kondisi cat asli meskipun sudah pudar jauh lebih baik dibandingkan kondisi mengkilap dengan cat plus dempulan yang tebal. Karena apa?dempul yang tebal pastilah untuk menutupi penyok akibat benturan keras.
Buka kap mobil, cek mesin, usahakan mesin mobil bersih dan kering (tidak ada tetesan oli yg keluar dari perpak) kalau mesin belepotan/keluar olie, itu berati kita harus cari bengkel buat turun mesin,repot kan. Oleh karna itu usahakan cari mesin yg halus alias kondisi tidak rusak, metal jalan, seker juga harus di cek. Biar lebih pasti, hidupkan mesin, geber gasnya, pastikan tidak ada asap keluar dari knalpot.
Kalo ini sih masalah selera, ada yang mau interior asli, atau sudah modifikasi lengkap dengan sound system dan cd player. Kalo masalah kulit jok, bisa aja jok asli dilapisi kulit jok yang baru. Perhatikan pula power window, wiper, central lock, handle hand, sama kondisi di dalam mobil
-Test Drive
Coba test dulu mobil untuk jalan, trus belok full stir, nah kalo ada suara brisik, kletek-kletek bakalan buru2 kebenghkel lagi nih, jangan lupa cek klakson, sama lampu reting..
-Kelengkapan dan keabsahan Surat
Mending langsung cek fisik dulu aja ke POLRES. biar ditanggung resmi dan bukan mobil bodong
Mungkin ini beberapa point dari bnyk spesifikasi teknis yg mesti di cek, yah...itung-itung biar ada pedoman jika anda memang berniat membeli mobil bekas.


How To Get Rich Without Working

How To Get Rich Without Working
Working is described as the obligation to regularly attend and perform a designated task. An obligation that usually consumes 8 or 9 hours of one's daily life. It is humorously called, "The Rat Race". Yet, most people must depend on such jobs to finance their basic necessities of life. Often, just barely.
How have some people become wealthy without restricting themselves to work ? Some have been lucky enough to inherit a fortune. Others have struck it rich in lotteries or by gambling. A successful business owner, an officer in a large corporation, or a super salesman might acquire wealth through aggressive personal characteristics.

Then there are those who through manipulation, inside knowledge or proper timing have acquired a windfall by investing in the stock or commodity market.

Talented people have become rich as inventors, authors, sports figures, TV and movie stars. Professional people such as lawyers, doctors and bankers, through high fees or salaries, become wealthy.

The above situations, a matter of lick, special talent or timing, are beyond the hope of the average working man or woman. Yet, there are many opportunities for anyone to make a lot of money without relying upon luck, high education or special abilities.

First of all, those who have acquired wealth through their own personal efforts outline this advice for necessary attitudes and desires to acquire a high financial standing:

1. Go where the money is--get your share.
2. Be willing to accept and take business risks.
3. Do something positive in your search for riches.
4. Be willing to start small and grow big.
5. Be ready to jump into million dollar markets if the opportunity presents itself.
6. Use other people's money to help build your own wealth.
7. Diversify to increase your income.
8. Create, locate and market something unique and different.

Long ago, someone with a wise observation noted, Working won t make you rich. So let s review some of the methods others have used to become wealthy, and ways which you, too, can acquire riches that a salaried job will never provide.


This is perhaps the easiest way to earn big money. What is a Finder ? A finder is a person who brings two parties together on a transaction and collects a fee for arranging the meeting that consummated the deal. The fee may be a percentage of the transaction or a flat determined sum.

Let's explain your role as a finder. Suppose you learn of someone who is interested in selling a large parcel of land, a building, surplus merchandise, a business, antiques, or dozens of other high-priced items. You contact this person or firm and advise that you can furnish the name of prospective buyer for a finder s fee if the sale is completed. You introduce prospective buyer to the seller by letter and let those two parties come to an agreement on the deal. You are entitled to a commission for locating the parties and arranging the meeting that resulted in completing the transaction.

Where do you find these opportunities? You may be fortunate enough to find them in your own locality. Look and ask around. Note the For Sale signs on large acreage or buildings. Check Wanted and For Sale listings in newspaper classified sections. The Wall Street Journal, the Business Opportunities Journal, or subscribe to some of the publications that advertise offers suitable for a finder.

Never contact the seller, except for particulars of his offer, until you have a definite buyer prospect. After your initial contact with both parties, send all correspondence concerning referrals, names and confirmation of finder's fees by registered mail. Keep a copy of all correspondence should any legal problem arise concerning the receipt of your full and due commission.


In a similar method to the above, thousands of people are looking for money for business and commercial activities; others are seeking areas in which to invest. You can operate as a money agent, on a commission basis, by bringing together a party who seeks money with someone who is willing to lend it. Again, contact may be obtained through the methods outlined above. Don't overlook foreign investors. The Arabs, particularly, have billions to invest. Seek such leads in publications with foreign circulation.

OVER $300,000 BY AGE 55!

Yes, it's possible through a regular and simple saving plan that most people can handle without financial hardship. Deposit $2000 each year in one of the higher yielding savings plans and keep it in. Suppose you start this plan when you are 25 years of age. While future interest rates are impossible to predict, we will figure at a modest 10% accrued yield. At this yield and at the age of 55 you would have accumulated a nest egg of over $300,000! This principal will draw over $30,000 per year and more in later years if you continue the plan. Start a systematic and determined savings plan while you're young--you can enjoy the benefits of wealth at the still-youthful age of 55!


The fact is that the largest percentage of fortunes were made in real estate dealings... land, housing units and commercial buildings. You are aware of the tremendous growth in real estate values in recent years. This trend is almost a certainty to continue. Population growth, even increased divorce rates, creates a need for more housing, more businesses, more recreational areas, etc.

There is not guarantee that all real estate will rise in value during your lifetime. Be selective in what and where you buy. Anticipate the coming trend based on economic, energy and growth factors. Will the population growth be in the outlying areas or will people move back into urban districts. Run-down or semi-abandoned neighborhoods are often profitably renewed. Beautify a house or two in such areas and other people are anxious to do the same in that locality. Is an industrial, amusement center, or something to draw a large number of people planned for the area? If so, smart operators will begin buying property anticipating that homes and businesses will follow and real estate values rise tremendously.

Considered buying cheap unimproved land? Usually, it would produce nothing but cost you taxes, though modest in amount, until you could sell the property for profit. But, suppose you could develop it for some income producing benefit like pasture land, farming leases, flora for nurserymen, timber, hunting, camping or a recreational area? Unimproved land should be purchased only with the possibility of developing it for some money-making purpose.


Millions of acres of government land are available, mostly in Western States, at unbelievable low prices. There are possibilities for money-making activities such as ranches, resorts or striking it rich with mineral discoveries. For information, write to: Bureau of Land Management, Washington, D.C. 20240.

The GSA often offers vacant or improved land to the public. also, buildings no longer required by the Government, but suitable for warehousing or manufacturing, are also offered. These are generally sold by sealed bid and sometimes notices appear in the local newspapers. For information about GSA sales write to: General Services Administration, 7th & D Streets S.W., Washington, D.C. 20407.

State Governments also sell land and property. Agencies are titled differently so contact a State office to learn which agency in your State handles land sales.


Willing to gamble a little for a chance to strike it rich? With the odds far greater in your favor than winning a State lottery or hitting the giant jackpot in a Las Vegas casino?

Monthly the Federal Government conducts a lottery for about 1,000 oil and natural gas leases. These are parcels of land ranging from a few acres to 2,500 acres. This land is termed wildcat because these areas lie outside the known geological formation that produce gas and oil fields. If an oil company want to explore your lease it will pay you up front money and a royalty for any gas or oil found.

Entry fee is $10.00. While to procedures are quite simple, an explanation of how the lottery works and how to file requires more space than this report can provide. Write for Simultaneous Oil and Gas Lease Filings to Bureau of Land Management, Washington, D.C. 20240.


Items such as vehicles, office equipment, boats, among many thousands of goods the government buys, can be purchased at a small fraction of their value. As requirements change, large quantities of goods become obsolete to the government specifications and are called surplus and offered to the general public.

If you buy something at a real bargain price and resell it for a high profit, you have made big money on the deal! While many of these items can be bought and profitably resold to various markets, an imaginative idea or application could make you rich! A case in point is a fellow named Hugh Paulk who bought 50,000 surplus parachutes, a little at a time, and sold them my mail at $13.95 each. To airplane clubs, sky divers, or private pilots? No. He advertised in women s magazines and they were uickly grabbed up as fine nylon material for shirts, blouses and other clothing. to the tune of $800,000 sales for Mr. Paulk!

Government surplus material is sold on a bid basis and you can request a Bidders Application and information on surplus sales from: DOD Surplus Sales, P.O. Box 1370, Battle Creek, MI 49016.


This could be your first step to riches. Look for a business whose owner, for one or various reasons, desperately wants out but is unable to find a buyer. Perhaps due to disinterest or poor management it isn't making a profit. Offer to pay the book value from a certain percentage of profits. The owner might consider this proposal rather than chance the business failing completely. Have a lawyer draw up the transfer of ownership and the other conditions of the agreement. Most should be to your advantage.

You must, of course, consider only a business with the potential of earning good profits through your ability and efforts. A financing source should be ready to help if you need funds for expansion.


How often, after you learn of a success story, have you said I wish I got into that. Why didn t you? If money was considered a problem, it shouldn't have been. Most wealthy people acquired riches by using other people's money to finance their money-making opportunities. surprisingly, money is not hard to get. For speculative endeavors, venture capital firms are receptive to a proposal with good profit potential, even with an element of risk.


Investors or collectors who deal or trade in items that will multiply in value make big money. Some of the items that have jumped in value through the years are gems (which can be obtained from foreign producers), coins, stamps, old magazines and comic books, baseball trading cards, dolls and toys, rare books, paintings, sculptures, art objects, phonograph records, autographs, guns, etc. Always check current values; buy only at lower price. And, don t throw out everything your wife considers trash. A piece of today s junk might be someone's treasure tomorrow.

You can get rich--if you really crave wealth. You must take a positive step to achieve that goal. The sooner you start, the earlier you can gain the financial rewards you seek.


Here's an opportunity to own your own general store without any large investment or expensive overhead.

This is possible by participating in flea market sales or swap meets as they are called in some parts of the country. It affords you an excellent chance to earn extra money--it is not unusual for a dealer to make $200 to $500, or more, profit just on weekends.

This report will fully explain and provide valuable tips on how you can profitably participate in this activity.

First, find out where flea markets are operated in your area. Many parking lots, drive-in theaters, halls and other buildings are set up as flea markets. Most are open only on weekends; others operate daily. Some are run by professional operators; while churches, clubs, fraternal and veterans organizations, and fund raising groups hold these sales at periodic intervals.

Such sales are usually publicized or advertised in the local papers (usually, classified section) or on bulletin boards. Or, look in the yellow pages of the telephone directory under Flea Markets or Swap Meets to find out who organizes these sales and where they are held.

Your next step is to visit flea markets. Observe how they operate, what type of items are being sold, how the merchandise is being displayed and what type of goods are being offered at each market.

Now you are ready to start. Contact the operator or manager and reserve space...for a day, weekend, week or month, whichever period is their minimum policy and for what length of time you wish to participate. Obtain merchandise which will appeal to the class of people who normally attend the market you selected.

Reservation costs vary. Many factors determine this--the size of the market, the amount of traffic it attracts, the length of time you reserve, or the size of space you require for your display. Rates may also vary in different sections of the country. A well-attended, well-organized flea market is certainly worth your attention, rather than a shabby, disorganized one.

In any case, the space cost should be quite modest in relation to the sales and profit potential. Some flea market operators may even assign space on a commission basis. You pay them a certain percentage of sales.


If you have a choice of space, reserve it where there is a lot of traffic. Entrances are not the best locations. People like to browse before they buy and there is a chance they may not return to the area where they came in. Space near exits is not recommended either. By the time they reach that section they may have already spent their limit. Or, they are just tired and ready to go home.

The best areas are near snack bars, rest rooms, drinking fountains or where people constantly go back and forth. If you are assigned a good spot at a constantly-operating market, try to reserve that same space each time. Your customers will know where to find you next time, or tell others where you are located.

If locations are assigned on a first-come basis, get there very early to set up at a desirable location. But, even if you have space reserved, allow yourself an hour or so before opening time to set up your display.


Your merchandise, of course. Then, if no table is provided, bring a folding table or two for necessary space to effectively display your wares. Also bring a comfortable folding chair, money to make change and a box to store your money (a cigar box serves nicely). If the market is held outdoors on a hot day you may need the protection of an umbrella. Also have a plastic sheet handy to protect your merchandise if it showers.

Bring your lunch and liquid refreshments, unless there is a snack bar on the premises and you would prefer to eat and drink there. If possible, bring along a member of the family or a friend to help you. You may need to be away from your table for meals, use the rest room, or walk around to look at other dealers displays. If it is not possible to bring someone, don't worry about it. Your neighboring dealers will be happy to watch your merchandise during your absence.

Rain is sometimes a threat and a major concern, particularly for an outdoor flea market. Rain may even keep people from attending an indoor sale. You should expect a rain check, refund, or allowance from the operator if sales are affected or interrupted by this situation. As another reminder, be sure to have a plastic cover to protect your merchandise in the event of rain.


Arrange your display as neatly and as attractively as possible. Place similar items together. Don't crowd things into a messy pile... customers don't lie to paw through a jumble of merchandise to find out what you offer. Set taller items towards the back of the table or use boxes or blocks so that everything you offer can be seen at first glance. Place jewelry on a velvet background or in jewelry boxes. Use your imagination to make your display attention-getting. Do something special to draw more people to your table.

For instance, if you are a craftsman do some of the work at your table. People are interested in and attracted to activity. Or, bring a radio and turn it on from time to time. Don t let the sound blare or play something disagreeable or offensive. Be different from the other dealers. Fore example, you could record and play a cassette extolling the merits of what you are selling or doing. But, don't sound like a circus barker. A little imagination for on the spot attention will help bring more people to your table.


Besides what you offer, the price at which you sell your merchandise is very important. You need to make a healthy profit for your time and investment, yet you must offer customers a good buy for their money.

You can price each item individually, or price a group collectively. Your sign can read, for example, Everything In This Section, $3.00 , another Everything In This Section, $6.00 , etc. Some dealers do not price anything buy allow bargaining, keeping in mind the lowest price they will accept. When a prospect asks the price of a certain item, the dealer will state a price. If the prospect hesitates, the dealer will offer a lower price until the prospect buys or the minimum price is reached. The psychology of this type of selling is that the customer feels he got the better of the dealer and walks away happy with his purchase. Price haggling is not usually a good practice and may offend certain people. Besides, it could be time consuming. You can always put up a new price signs.


Specialty items, not usually found in retail ships are best for flea market sales. Brand names are too common; prices are well-known or can easily be checked. A customer may have examined a Bulova watch at the jewelry store, price $80.00. You may get him as a buyer with a look-alike brand priced at only $50.00. Items such as jewelry, watches, toys novelties, house wares, auto accessories, paintings, gift & novelty items are among the hundreds of potential profitable sellers. Feature items that turn over fast. If an item doesn't sell well, keep lowering the price until someone buys it. Continue reordering good-selling items. Replace slow sellers with more appealing items until you feature a steady fast-selling, profitable line.


There are thousands of sources from which you can buy at low wholesale prices. Look through magazines such as Salesman's Opportunity, Specially Salesman, Spare Time, Money-Making Opportunities, Income Opportunities, Popular Mechanics, Popular Science, Mechanics Illustrated, etc. Look for closeouts and wholesale offers. You will find sources for many products you or your customers have never seen before. Also refer to the many sources listed in other reports of this series.

Your logical choice, of course, is to contact the local wholesalers, those handling general merchandise or specialty items. They are handy and merchandise can be picked up immediately. Also, you might be able to work out a consignment deal. This arrangement would enable them to sell additional merchandise. You, on the other hand, could obtain what you need for flea market sales without any investment. Above all, do not buy large stock until you are sure it will sell profitably.

post by:www.howtoadvice.com


Senin, 07 Juli 2008

How to get job fast....

How to Get a Job Fast

I know. Find an ideal job is almost impossible and very hard to do. Some people did, but the rest did not. So, it is useful to know what is the most important thing to include in your next job and start to compromise on some other criteria.

There are more than 250 specific job titles that you might explore. You might also find that your ideal job in an occupation you haven’t considered. Even if you are sure of the occupation you want, it may be in an industry that you’re not familiar with.

Identify Your Key Skills

Before going any further, you have to identify your skills. It is also necessary to decide what type of job you will enjoy and do well. That way, you will be able you describe what you are good at and why you think you can do the job. And you will do well in the interview.

One employer survey found that most people did not present the skills they had to do the job. Job applicants usually could not answer simple basic question, “Why should I hire you?”

There are three types of skills—self management, transferable, and job-related skills.

Self management skills describe your basic personality and your ability to adapt to new environments. For example: hard worker, productive, honest, friendly, optimistic, etc. Unfortunately, most job seekers don’t realize the importance of these skills and don’t mention them.

Transferable skills are the ability to organize events could be used in a variety of jobs and might be essential for success in certain occupation. For example: computer skills, written communication, build/repair things, public speaking, keeping financial record, play musical instrument, and so on.

Job-related skills are those you need to do a particular occupation. For example, an accountant needs to know how to do footing and journaling financial entries. He/she should also have to operate related accounting software.

Then, you should define exactly what you want—the job. Identify what makes a job satisfying for you, decide the job title you desired, what industry you might be working in, what type of work do you prefer, how much money do you hope to make, how much responsibility are you willing to accept, and other things that are important or have meaning to you.

Find a Better Job Effectively in Less Time

The fact is that most employers don’t advertise their job opening publicly. They most often hire people they already know, somebody who find out the jobs through word of mouth, or somebody who just happen to be in the right place at the right time.

Yes. Luck plays a part. But you can still increase your luck in finding job openings.

The truth is that every job search method works for someone. Be it contacted employer directly, send out resumes and fill out applications, contacted employment agency, used internet and media advertisement, contacted friends or relatives, checked school employment center, and so on.

But experience and research show that some methods are more effective than others are. Your task is to spend more of your time using more effective methods and increase the effectiveness of all methods you use. Your objective should be to find a good job in less time.

Newspaper and internet ads. Only about 15% of all people get their jobs through these ads. Everyone who reads the paper knows about these openings so the competition is very high. The internet also lists many job openings, but as happens with newspaper ads, most people view these postings. So? Go ahead and apply. But be sure to spend most of your time using more effective methods.

Filling out application forms. Employers have designed these forms to collect negative information and use it to screen people out. Maybe you can do the job well, but if your training or experience is not really good, you will never be interviewed. This methods works well especially for young and entry-level job seekers. If you do it, be sure to make it neat and error-free. Don’t try to include anything that could get you screened out. Sometimes, leave it blank is much better than provide “wrong” answer.

Employment Agency. Actually, I have never used their services so I can’t give you more details on this method. But, a friend of mine told me that each state/region has a network of local office to provide job leads and offer other services at no or small charge to you or to employers. Most of them have their own websites so visitors can see all jobs listed and search for jobs by state/region and other criteria.

School Employment Center. Although only small percentage of job seekers using this option, find out about job openings at your school/university might be useful. Some school/university also provide free career counseling, resume-writing help, referrals to job openings, career tests, and other services. Check them out and consider using them.

The #1 Job Search Methods that Work Best

One study found that 40% of all people located their jobs through a lead provided by a friend, a relative, or an acquaintance—warm contacts. Asking their help is more effective than all other job search method. Start making lists of people you know, anyone you are friendly with, and somebody who you have something in common with.

Contact them in a systematic way. Some may help you, but any one of them might help you find a job lead. Present yourself well. Be as clear as possible about the type of employment you want and the skills and qualifications you have.

Ask contact for leads. It is very possible that your contacts will know of a job opening that might interest you. Contact these referrals and ask them the same questions. Eventually, one of these people will hire you or refer you to someone who will.

The #2 Job Search Methods that Work Best

Making direct contact with employers is also a very effective jobcold contacts. It takes more courage, but it is worth it. Start by calling people you know and the people they refer you. Then try calls to businesses that don’t sound very interesting.

Use Yellow Pages, internet, newspaper, and other media to find potential employers. You may starting at the index in the front of your phone book. You may also searching potential employers from Google or other internet search engines. You can also get started from major career-specific site such as Career Path and Monster.com.

Call each company or organization and ask to speak to the person who is most likely to hire or supervise you. Typically, this may be the manager of the business, or the department head. You can easily get phone or email contacts anywhere in the world.

Another effective cold contact method is just walk into a company or organization that interests you. Ask to speak to the person in charge. Perhaps there may not be a job opening right now, but say that you would like to be considered for a future opening. If your timing is inconvenient, ask for a better time to come back for an interview.

Remember, always use more effective methods and be active in searching any job leads.

Creating Superior Resume

How to write a superior resume?

  • Always write it yourself. It’s okay to look at others for ideas, but write yours yourself.
  • Be honest and positive. Don’t overstate your qualifications. Emphasize on your accomplishment and results.
  • Be specific. Use number whenever possible. Instead of saying “I am good supervisor”, you can write, “I managed 15 people and increased the ROI by 15%.”
  • Be brief and relevant. Include only most important points. Use short sentences and action word. Cut it if doesn’t relate to the job objective.
  • Make it error-free. Ask someone else to review your final draft. Spelling or grammar error will create a negative impressions.
  • Make it look good. Find good quality paper. If necessary, get professional help with design and printing.

Winning the Interview Game

An interview is any face-to-face contact with someone who has the authority to hire or supervise a person with your skills—even if there are no opening exists at the time when you interview.

Use this definition so that you can now interview with all sorts of potential employers—not just those who have job openings now. While most other job seekers look for advertised or actual opening, you can get interviews before a job opens up or before it is advertised and widely known.

Of course, you have to make your search a full-time job. The more time you spend on your job search each week, the less time you will likely remain unemployed.

You also have to decide on how much time you will spend looking for work each week and each day. Then, create a specific daily job search schedule and write it down on a piece of paper.

Do it right now. Get a daily planner and create a specific daily schedule. If you are not accustomed to using a daily schedule, promise yourself to get a good one tomorrow.

Improve Your Interviewing Skills

Everybody knows that your impression may be the only one you make. If the interviewer forms a negative impression in the first five minutes of an interview, your chances of getting a job offer almost zero.

Employer surveys find that almost half of all people’s dress or grooming create an initial negative impression. So, dress and groom like the interviewer is likely to be dressed—but cleaner.

Try to be early and make a good impression even before you arrive. Leave in plenty of time to be a few minutes early to an interview. Follow the interviewer’s lead in the first few minutes. Don’t forget to do some homework on the business before you go.

You also have to answer tough questions as best as you can. I know this might seem too simple, but understand what is really being asked, answer the question briefly, and answer the real concern by presenting your related skills will make a big difference.

In the last minute, interviewer usually asks on negotiating pay. Be careful on this trap. Instead of answering “I made $50,000 in my previous job, can you match that?” or “I’ll work for any amount and I just need a job”, you might be better to speak in terms of wide pay ranges. For example, answer “any fair offer in the low to mid-fifties”. Of course, for this to work, you must know in advance what the job is likely to pay by asking people who do similar work, or from a variety of books and internet sources.

Never forget to close the interview effectively. Most interviews simply end with a fizzle, but there are some things you can do while an interview is ending that can make a difference. For example, if you do want the job, say so, ask for the job. Employers want to hire people who are enthusiastic about doing sort of work they need done. Also arrange to call back and ask questions or learn of your status.

Never, ever turn down a job offer during an interview. Thank the interviewer for the offer instead. Ask to consider the offer overnight. Sure, you can turn it down tomorrow and saying how much you appreciate the offer and asking to be considered for other jobs that pay better. Also, send a thank-you note or email to every person who helps you in your job search will make a difference.

Last but Not Least

Okay. I think that should be enough for now. Just trying to do the best. Don’t forget to pray. God doesn’t play a dice. Let His hands play role. Perhaps God is planning something you didn’t know. Also keep you in mind for future opportunities. You just never know.

Good luck.

posting from



get 5 million rupiahs!!??

Dapetin duit 50 juta rupiah untuk 10 orang pemenang?plz click this....



Minggu, 06 Juli 2008

WAKE UP...WAKE UP..(Buat Yang Susah Bangun Tidur)

Anda termasuk tipe orang yang sangat susah bangun tidur di pagi hari?Berikut ada banyak pilihan alarm yang membantu masalah anda:

Ada yang punya alarm seperti ini??

1. Puzzle Alarm

Saat alarm jam ini menyala, jam ini akan melempar 4 keping puzzle ke udara. dan misi kita dimulai untuk mencari 4 keping tsb dan menyusunnya..
jika tidak, alarm akan terus berbunyi.

2. The Sonic Alarm
Cara mengaktifkannya mudah. tinggal tarik pinnya, kemudia teriakkan kata2 klasik "fire in the hole" dan lempar jam ini ke kamar orang yang tidur. setelah 10 detik, akan terdengar suara ledakan yang sangat keras (ada 3 settingan volume) dari jam tsb. yang spesial dari jam ini adalah untuk mematikan alarm ini, orang yang dibangunkan harus mencari orang yang melempar jam ini dan memasukkan pinnya kembali. kalau tidak, suara ledakan akan terus terdengar

3. The blowfly alarm clock

Dijamin anda akan bergerak bangun, karena jam ini akan terbang dari tempatnya jika alarmnya menyala, mengelilingi kamar dan mengeluarkan suara2. cara mematikannya adalah dengan cara menangkapnya dan meletakkan nya lagi di tempatnya.

4. The Drill Sergeant Alarm Clock

Jam ini mengeluarkan suara perintah2 seperti layaknya seorang pemimpin barisan di militer.

5. Kuku Alarm Clock

jam ini akan ' bertelur ' jika alarmnya menyala sambil mengeluarkan suara ayam.
alarm hanya bisa dimatikan dengan menaruh kembali telur2 tsb.


saat anda menekan tombol snooze Clocky, ia akan bergerak dan mencari tempat untuk bersembunyi. saat alarm menyala lagi, anda harus bangun dari tempat tidur, dan mencarinya untuk mematikannya. Clocky akan menemukan tempat persembunyian baru tiap harinya.

7. Anemone Clock
jam ini akan bergetar jika alarmnya menyala. dan lama kelamaan akan terus bergerak mengelilingi kamar anda. getaran dari jam ini cukup bagus untuk membangunkan anda. dan getaran ini membuat anda susah untuk menemukan tombol off.

8. Sfera Alarm Clock

Jam ini digantung di langit2 diatas tempat tidur anda. sewaktu alarm nyala, jika kita menekan snooze, maka jam ini akan naik beberapa centi. ketika alarm menyala lagi dan kita menekan snooze lagi, maka jam ini akan terus naik hingga kita harus berdiri untuk mematikannya..dijamin harus bangun dari tempat tidur..

9. ClearSounds Wake & Shake alarm clock

jam ini dilengkapi dengan lebih dari 95 suara keras yang cukup bagus untuk membangunkan kita. jam ini juga dilengkapi dengan alat getar yang biasa diletakkan dibawah bantal agar kita bangun.

fr :dianandriani@surfer-girl.com


Mail from Dian...

Have a nice day......

Berikut kumpulan posting dari mail seorang teman ,yang bermanfaat untuk anda


Pernahkah Anda mengalami masalah ketika akan membuat telur rebus, air sulit dicari dan kompor pun gak ada ?

Ada cara baru yang effisien dengan memaksimalkan manfaat HandPhone Anda. Tahu caranya ? Berikut tipsnya :

Dibutuhkan :

  • 1 butir telur dan 2 ponsel
  • 65 menit percakapan dari 1 ponsel ke yang lainnya

Set up seperti pada gambar

Kita mulai panggilan antara kedua ponsel selama kurang lebih 65 menit;

15 menit pertama tidak terjadi apa-apa…

Setelah 25 menit telur mulai hangat,

setelah 45 menit,telur sudah panas..... dan

setelah 65 menit telur ..matang.


Jika radiasi gelombang mikro yang dipancarkan oleh ponsel mampu memodifikasi protein dalam telur itu. Bayangkan apa yang terjadi dengan protein dalam otak kita ketika kita bicara melalui ponsel.

Jangan tunda lagi. Segera beritahu informasi ini kepada teman/sanak keluarga/handai taulan.
Dengan Anda mau meluangkan sedikit waktu, Anda telah menyelamatkan orang-orang di sekitar Anda dari bahaya yang mematikan ini.

posted by dians mail:dianandriani@surfer-girl.com
